Clergy-Laity 2012 Schedule

41st Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
July 1 - July 5, 2012

Sunday,  July 1, 2012:

09:00am                  Divine Liturgy
12:00pm                  Congress Registration
03:30pm                  Exhibit Opening
04:00pm                  National Philoptochos Opening
05:30pm                  Church Musicians Reception
06:00pm                  ARCHONS Reception

Monday, July 2, 2012:

08:00am                  Congress Registration
09:00am                  Official Congress Opening
11:00am                  Hierarchal Sessions
12:00pm                  Committee Meetings
06:00pm                  Congress Western Night

Tuesday, July 3, 2012:

08:00am                  ARCHONS Breakfast
09:00am                  Retired Clergy Breakfast & Meeting
09:00am                  Nat. Philoptochos General Assembly
09:00am                  CLC Committee Meetings
02:00pm                  Church Musicians Workshop
03:00pm                  Clergy-Family Workshops
04:30pm                  Hellenic College/Holy Cross Reception
07:00pm                  National Philoptochos Outing
07:30pm                  Clergy-Family Outing
07:30pm                  FREE EVENING FOR DELEGATES

Wednesday, July 4, 2012:

08:30am                  FINAL Day of Meetings
09:00am                  CLERGY-LAITY PLENARY SESSION
07:00pm                  Reception & Grand Banquet

Thursday, July 5, 2012:

09:00am                  Clergy Breakfast with His Eminence

Clergy-Laity 2012