1996 Clergy-Laity Important Information

In just a few short months, Philoptochos members from across the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America will converge upon New York City for the 33rd Biennial National Philoptochos...
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to be a part of the historic 33rd Clergy Laity Congress in New York City, June 30 - July 4, 1996. The theme of the Congress "Let us go forward on the road...
It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to announce the upcoming Biennial Archdiocesan Clergy-Laity Congress, which will take place from June 30 - July 4, in New York City, and I...
In a little over four short months, our Holy Archdiocese will convene the 33rd Clergy-Laity Congress in New York City. This year's event promises to be most historic for it will not only afford us...
General Information for the Clergy Laity Event
Divine Liturgy - June 30th In no other metropolis throughout the world is there at the very epicenter of the city such a bucolic tract as New York City's...
From legendary Times Square to Wall Street, from the United Nations to Soho to South St. Seaport and the World Trade Center, you can experience the world of excitement that personifies New York.
Committee Information
Held every two years, the Clergy-Laity Congress is a unique gathering of clergy and laity representing the parishes which comprise the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America. At...
Who Comprises the Clergy Laity Congress? According to the Uniform Parish Regulations, the Congress is comprised of the Archbishop, the Bishops, the members...

Clergy-Laity 1996