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Are We Doing Ministry Correctly? Reflections on the Direction of Our Work

Yet we all know that the Church has a problem: young people are increasingly disaffected and disengaged from the life of the Church. Is it because the ministry that shaped them made sense without God?

Making Christians Today

Everything we do in our parishes is teaching us what it is to be an Orthodox Christian, working to make us Christians throughout our lives and not just when we attend Sunday school or GOYA. The primary teacher for learning the Orthodox Faith and way of life is the life of the Church as experienced in a dynamic, faith-filled parish.

The Christian Home

While parish priests, religious educators, and youth workers share in the responsibility of bringing our children closer to Christ and the Church, the primary responsibility rests within the “home church.” Countless studies reveal that the single most important factor in the religious development of a child is the example set by parents.

The Secret to Effective Church Programs

When we talk about engaging our young people in the Church, we immediately think of programs. But programs don’t engage people; people engage people. Programs are simply the vehicle whereby people engage people.

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