Workshop & Ministry Panel Speakers - Clergy-Laity
In Christ, We are one!
Featured Speakers

Evan Anagnostopoulos

Evan Anagnostopoulos
Evan Anagnostopoulos, a driven scholar at the University of Redlands, combines his passion for business and law with his Orthodox faith and Hellenic heritage. Graduating with Highest Honors from Arrowhead Christian Academy in 2023, he ranked in the top 20% of his class. Evan excels in extracurriculars, serving as a pre-trial attorney and lead prosecutor in Mock Trial competitions, and playing varsity soccer. A gifted orator, he won multiple oratorical contests, including the Archdiocese Oratorical Festival in 2022. Evan also excels in Greek folk dance and leadership roles within the GOYA and his church, Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church.
Recipient of prestigious scholarships like the AHEPA District 20 and Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Malta Scholarship, Evan is committed to volunteerism, from the "Believe Walk" to local food banks. With a focus on community service and academic excellence, Evan aspires to integrate his education and values into a career in business and law, guided by his faith in Jesus Christ and dedication to serving others.
George Anagnostopoulos
George Anagnostopoulos
George Anagnostopoulos is humbled to serve as Chairman of the 2024 National Young Adult League (YAL) Conference. Since 2019, George has served as Chairman and Young Adult Advisor to the Metropolis of San Francisco YAL Conference. He has dedicated countless hours to leading the Conference ministry every year, ensuring an unparalleled experience for all attendees and fostering an enjoyable and fruitful working relationship with his peers and fellow young adults. These Conferences have enriched the lives of over 2,000 young adults, fostering faith, fellowship, worship, and service. After six years, George is fulfilled seeing the YAL movement he helped revitalize, culminating in a National YAL Conference in the Metropolis of San Francisco. George graduated from the University of Southern California with a BS in Business Administration Real Estate Finance. Currently, he works for a private real estate investment company as a senior acquisitions associate responsible for buying retail shopping centers and land for multifamily development. George grew up participating in many church ministries such as the St, John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, FDF, Metropolis of San Francisco Summer Camp, and as an acolyte. He is passionate about serving the church and creating the same experiences he had for others.

Randa K. Anderson, PhD

Randa K. Anderson, PhD
Dr. Randa Anderson is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice with the Orthodox Christian Counseling Institute. She completed her Ph.D. at The University of Chicago and clinical training at The University of Chicago Hospital and Michael Reese Hospital. She aims to connect concepts from psychology and Orthodoxy in ways that can be practically applied to everyday life and offers presentations at parishes across the Pan Orthodox Community in Chicago and has recorded podcasts for the Orthodox Christian Network and Ancient Faith Radio. Dr. Anderson serves as the President of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion, a national organization that offers interdisciplinary dialogue, fellowship and education for Orthodox Christians in the healing professions. She also is a consultant to the Mental Health Ministries of the Assembly of Bishops through which she co-chaired the committee that created the National Directory of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals.

His Grace Bishop Andrei

His Grace Bishop Andrei
Bishop Andrei (Hoarște) is the Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, a diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. He was born in Romania in 1982. In 1997, he immigrated to the United States with his family and established their home in Detroit, Michigan. He graduated with a BA from University of Michigan (2024), Masters of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (2008), Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome (2019). He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate (September 2012) to the Holy Priesthood (December 2012) and to the Holy Episcopacy (February 2020). He serves the Romanian Episcopate in various administrative and pastoral capacities and especially works with the youth and young adult ministries. He is the episcopal liaison to the Department of Youth of the Orthodox Church in America and on behalf of the Assembly of Bishops he serves as the Episcopal liaison for the new agency, the Orthodox Volunteer Corps.

Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews

Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews
Fr. Rick is an ordained priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America since 1995 and is currently serving Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Glenview, Illinois, assigned by Metropolitan Nathanael of the Metropolis of Chicago in August 2019. He is in the inaugural cohort for the Metropolis Clergy Leadership Accelerator program (2023-2024) and was the first presbyter to participate in the Metropolis Multi-Source Feedback Parish Program.
His service also includes Chicago Clergy Syndesmos President (2022-2024), Archdiocese Presbyters Council (APC 2022-2024), Vicar of Clergy Wellness (since 2020), Chicago Metropolis Spiritual Court (2020-2022), Hellenic American Police Association (HAPA) chaplain (since 2022).
Fr. Rick earned a doctoral degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Argosy University (2019). His thesis is on Clergy Stress and Burnout. He is a graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Master of Divinity,1994), and the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing,1988).
Fr. Rick serves as a Frontline Chaplain doing disaster response for International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) since 2013. One of his deployments served the Minnesota National Guard, State Patrol and Minneapolis police after the 2020 riots. He has received several certifications for critical incident response including training and experience gained as a volunteer chaplain for the Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD) 2005-2019.
Fr. Rick previously served St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota (1999 – 2019), and as spiritual advisor for the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry of Minnesota (OCPM-MN) 2010-2019, Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) campus ministry 1999-2019 including starting the OCF chapter at St. Thomas University in Saint Paul. He was the coordinator for the Minnesota Eastern Orthodox Christian Clergy Association (MEOCCA) Cooperative Catechism program (2003-2019) and presiding priest of the Greek Orthodox Spiritual Court in Minnesota (2008-2019)
He is married to Presbytera Jane (Donovan) since 1990 and has an adult son, Theodore (Anna). Fr. Rick was ordained to the diaconate in 1994 and the priesthood in 1995 by Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago.
Fr. Rick previously served Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Westchester, Illinois (1994-1997) and Kimissis tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church in Racine, Wisconsin (1997-1999). During those years, he occasionally served at the Greek Orthodox Monastery of St. John Chrysostom in Kenosha, Wisconsin, participated at the Metropolis Fanari Camp, and was a member of the Racine Clergy Association and the Orthodox Clergy Syndesmos of Wisconsin.

His Grace Bishop Anthony of Synada

His Grace Bishop Anthony of Synada
His Grace Anthony (Vrame) of Synada directs the Holy Cross Orthodox Press and is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he holds degrees from DePaul University (BA), the University of Chicago (MA), Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MDiv), and Boston College (Ph.D. in Religion and Education). Formerly Director of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s Department of Religious Education (2007-2021), he is a noted scholar in Orthodox Christian religious education and history. Ordained to the diaconate and priesthood in 2016, he became Archimandrite in 2019 and was elected Bishop of Synada by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in March 2024, subsequently ordained in April 2024.

Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anton

Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anton
Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anton serves as the Director of Operations for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. Prior to his current appointment, he held the position of Ecumenical Officer and Director of the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) from 2018-2020 and Coordinator of UN Programs for the GOA from 2014-2018. He earned a M.Div. from Holy Cross GOST, a MA from Boston College, and a Graduate Certificate in Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations from Southern New Hampshire University. He specializes in negotiation, diplomacy, peacemaking, and change leadership.
Rev. Fr. Evan Armatas
Rev. Fr. Evan Armatas
Father Evan Armatas, a graduate of Holy Cross, is the priest of Saint Spyridon in Loveland, Colorado. His recent book, “Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health,” is a practical guide to building a stronger, more vibrant community. His own parish began as a mission in 2007 with just a handful of families, today it is a parish of several hundred. Father Evan has traveled extensively throughout the Archdiocese offering both Metropolis and Parish Workshops on Parish Health. His first book, “Toolkit for Spiritual Growth: A practical guide to Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving,” is an engaging look at how these spiritual disciplines shape and re-energize our relationship with Jesus Christ. His popular radio show, “Orthodoxy Live,” broadcasts Sundays at 8 pm EST on Ancient Faith Radio. Father and his Presbytera Stacy are the happy parents of four and live in Fort Collins, Colorado.

His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos, PhD

His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos, PhD
Meet the ever-smiling Bishop Athenagoras, an Auxiliary Bishop to His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and a Founder of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation. His Grace also serves the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and holds the positions of Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod and National Director of the Department of Religious Education (DRE).
But let’s rewind a bit: in his youth, His Grace was tonsured a monk on Mount Athos, embracing a life of prayer in service to Christ and His Church. Guided by spiritual masters like Saint Paisios the Athonite and Saint Ephraim of Katounakia, he discovered the interconnection between mind, body, and soul that cultivates the inner presence of God.
Armed with four distinguished degrees from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece — BA, BTh, MTS, and PhD — and a knack for languages, Bishop Athenagoras communicates fluently across borders, spreading the Word of God to people of all ages.

Dr. Bruce Beck

Dr. Bruce Beck
Dr. Bruce Beck is the Assistant Professor of New Testament at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and the Director of Enrollment Management at Hellenic College Holy Cross. Dr. Beck received his MDiv and ThD at Harvard Divinity School, where his area of specialization was New Testament and Early Christianity, with a concentration in the history of interpretation of Scripture. Dr. Beck’s teaching in the area of the New Testament bridges the academic study of the Bible with the practical arts of interpreting it in useful ways for the life of the Church today.

Dr. Ann Bezzerides

Dr. Ann Bezzerides
Dr. Ann Mitsakos Bezzerides is the Executive Director of the CrossRoad Institute and Director of the Office of Vocation & Ministry at Hellenic College Holy Cross, where she teaches Youth Ministry and oversees the Certificate in Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Leadership. She is editor and contributor to two volumes of collected essays that inform the ministry, Christ at Work: Orthodox Christian Perspectives of Vocation (Holy Cross Press) and Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Higher Education (University of Notre Dame Press), as well as co-author with Dr Jenny Haddad Mosher of the newly released Find Your Telos: Discover What Orthodox Young Adults & Parishes Can Create Together (Holy Cross Press). She is a graduate of Middlebury College (BA), St. Vladimir's Seminary (MDiv), and Boston College (PhD).

Rev. Fr. Panagiotis Boznos

Rev. Fr. Panagiotis Boznos
Fr. Panagiotis Boznos grew up in the suburbs of Chicago attending the Greek Orthodox parishes of St. Nectarios in Palatine and St. Athanasios in Aurora. He earned his BA (2008) from the University of Oklahoma with a double major in Religious Studies and Classical Greek. From there he proceeded to Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, where he received his MDiv (2013). While at seminary, Fr. Panagiotis met and married Presbytera Nichole, who also graduated from Holy Cross the same year with an MTS. Together they have four children. Fr. Panagiotis was ordained to the Diaconate on June 29th, 2013 and to the Priesthood on July 28th, 2013. Following his ordination to the Priesthood, he served the parish of Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Glenview, IL from 2013-2019.

Nicholas Chakos

Nicholas Chakos
Nicholas Chakos is an experienced nonprofit leader. He previously served as Executive Director of FOCUS North America, in multiple leadership roles at IOCC, and Founder of the healthcare analytics company He is an adjunct professor of organizational development at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School and has trained over 250 nonprofit organizations, parishes, dioceses, and metropolises in strategic planning, fundraising, and organizational infrastructure. He is a graduate of the Lilly School of Philanthropy, in addition to holding a B.A. from Washington & Jefferson College and an M.N.A. from the University of Notre Dame. Nicholas is the OMS Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer and also serves on the board.

Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis

Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis
Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Fr. John was born in Sydney (Australia) and lives in Harpswell (Maine, USA). Following studies at the Universities of Athens (Greece) and Oxford (UK), he cofounded St. Andrew’s Theological College in Sydney, where he also taught at the University of Sydney. From 1995 until 2002 he taught at Holy Cross School of Theology in Boston. Since then, he serves as theological advisor to the Ecumenical Patriarch on environmental issues and senior advisor to the Department of Ecumenical Affairs in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. In 2023, he returned as Professor of Theology to Holy Cross School of Theology, where he is also the inaugural Executive Director of the Huffington Ecumenical Institute. His numerous publications and translations focus on the early desert tradition, the theology of the environment, and the role of the church in the world.
- Fully Human: Toward Full Participation of People with Disabilities in the Orthodox Church
- Women in Orthodoxy: Past, Present, and Future Roles
- Ecumenical Families: A Pastoral, Theological and Canonical Approach
- HCHC Outbound: Nurturing Orthodox Christians through Accessible Education, Publications, and Spiritual Formation

Andrew Constantinou

Andrew Constantinou
Andrew Constantinou, is the visual designer for the Department of Internet Ministries. He holds a degree in fine art and computer graphics from Syracuse University and is pursuing an M. Div. at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. In addition to his work in design, he enjoys exploring new technologies and ways in which they can be used safely and in moderation. He and his family are members of St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church in Peabody, MA.

Dr. Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos

Dr. Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos
Dr. Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos is an Orthodox theologian and lecturer, and is currently adjunct professor at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School of Theology in Libertyville, IL, teaching classes in Patristics. She has also served as adjunct faculty at the University of St. Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, and other area schools, with classes focusing on Orthodox history, theology and spirituality. She is a graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MTS) and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago (MA, PhD). She leads the Bible Study and teaches adult religious education at Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Glenview, IL, and teaches Bible Study at Ascension of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church in Lincolnshire, IL. She is secretary of the Orthodox Theological Society in America, and secretary and on the board of the St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess.

Rev. Fr. Nikolas Steven Delaveris

Rev. Fr. Nikolas Steven Delaveris
Reverend Presbyter Nikolas Steven Delaveris brings a dynamic blend of spirituality, theology, and clinical expertise in addiction counseling to his ministry. Holding a BA in Jazz Studies from Michigan State University and a Master of Divinity from Holy Cross Hellenic College, he expanded his education by completing a Certificate Program in Addictions Counseling from the University of Massachusetts, Boston due to his interest and passion in ministering to populations struggling with addiction from the perspective of the faith. Ordained as a Deacon in 2016 and later as a Priest in 2018, Father Nikolas has served communities in Washington, DC, Maryland, New York, and Virginia. To further his expertise and qualifications in addiction counseling, Father Nikolas has continued to supplement his pastoral roles by working on the front lines of Mental Health Clinics, Recovery Homes, and Outpatient Programs in Boston, MA, and the DC Metropolitan area. As an addictions counselor, he has provided support to individuals and families across the United States, emphasizing a unique blend of spiritual principles and evidence-based practices in the path to recovery. Father Nikolas's qualifications uniquely position him to present on the nuanced topic of addiction, offering insights rooted in both clinical expertise and an experienced understanding of the spiritual dimensions of healing.

Presvytera Maria Drossos

Presvytera Maria Drossos
Presvytera Maria Drossos is the Director of the CrossRoad Institute- Parish Youth Ministry Network. She is a native of Chicago, Illinois, and is married to Father Odisseys Drossos, who serves at St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church in Roslindale, Massachusetts. They have a wonderful son Thomas. She earned her Master of Divinity degree at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, with a Certificate in Eastern Christian Studies from the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute and her Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Loyola University of Chicago. She has over 30 years combined experience in business and non-profit development in the US and Canada. With life-long involvement in youth, young adult, and outreach ministries, she has a love of building and nurturing relationships together for the service of God and His church. She also currently serves as an advisory board member for Saint Catherine’s Vision, a member of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Task Force on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and an advisory board member of the Huffington Ecumenical Institute at Hellenic College/Holy Cross. For 20 years, she had served in various capacities at St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Canada as a volunteer, as President of the Board of Directors and as Director of Operations.

Spyridoula Fotinis

Spyridoula Fotinis
Spyridoula Fotinis is the Director of Inter-Parish Associations for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. She served as the Coordinator of Programs for the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Her work focused on bridging the work of the Department on social issues at the United Nations, including homelessness and care for the environment, with Orthodox Christian faithful throughout the United States. Spyridoula also served as Assistant Secretary for the Green Attica Symposium in 2018.

His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa

His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa
His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa, born in Charlotte, NC, pursued a successful career in cardiovascular research before answering the call to the Priesthood. Ordained and consecrated, he served extensively in various roles within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Metropolis of Atlanta, displaying a particular affinity for youth ministry. His journey led him to become the Titular Bishop of Nyssa, overseeing the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. With Metropolitan Gregory's leadership, the Diocese entered a new chapter, building upon the foundation laid by its predecessors. His elevation to Titular Metropolitan in 2018 marked a significant milestone in his ecclesiastical journey. Recognized for his dedication, he was appointed Episcopal Liaison to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship and later elected Secretary of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA.

Rev. Dr. Philip Halikias

Rev. Dr. Philip Halikias
Rev. Dr. Philip Halikias was born and raised on Long Island, New York, and lives in the Greater Boston area with his family, Following his studies at Holy Cross and while studying at Boston University, he began working in the administration at HCHC. He was ordained to the diaconate in July 2019, and the priesthood in September 2019. Fr. Philip is the Chief Equity and Compliance Officer at HCHC, and is an adjunct professor for Orthodox-Catholic relations and Ecumenism. Fr. Philip is a member of the Metropolis of Boston, and serves the St. Nicholas parish in Manchester, NH.
Fr. Philip serves as an Orthodox representative on the National Council of Churches’ convening tables on Faith and Order, and Christian-Muslim dialogue. He is a member of the international editing team for the World Council of Churches’ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Fr. Philip is a child of Orthodox-Catholic marriage, and is passionate about serving the needs Ecumenical families.

Justin Heard

Justin Heard
A recent MTh student at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Justin and his wife Blaise, who is also blind, now reside in Tennessee. Justin studied abroad in Tanzania and ministered to a school for the blind there. He taught Life Skills and Assistive Technology at a school for the blind in the U.S., and has served as an advocate for the blind locally and nationally.
Justin presented in a workshop entitled Disability as Icon: Framework for Understanding Who We Are at the 2023 OCAMPR Conference, and also offered a lecture on disability and inclusivity at the Maliotis Cultural Center in November 2023 entitled, Philoxenia: Welcoming People with Disabilities.

Rev. Fr. Vasili Hillhouse, M.Div., M.A.

Rev. Fr. Vasili Hillhouse, M.Div., M.A.
Fr. Vasili Hillhouse, M.Div., M.A., serves at Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Anchorage, AK and serves on the Family Wellness Ministry Team. Fr. Vasili has a MTh in Pastoral Counseling from the University of Balamand and is currently a PhD student at the University of Essex in the UK integrating the teaching of St. Sophrony with the marriage research of the Gottman Institute and Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Dimitrios Katsiklis

Dimitrios Katsiklis
Dimitrios Katsiklis was born in Volos, Greece and currently lives with his wife Maria and their 4 children in Manhattan, NY. Dimitrios holds a Bachelors in Theology from the University of Athens, Master’s in Theology and Byzantine Musicology with specification in the Athonite Chanting Tradition from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, an M.B.A. from the Hellenic American University, Nashua, NH, and a Diploma of Mastery in Byzantine Music from the Byzantine Music School of the Metropolis Demetriados, Volos, Greece. He is the Master Chanter and the Pastoral Assistant of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church & National, and an Instructor of Byzantine Music with Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music. Dimitrios is an Alumni of the Interfaith leadership Academy of the Interfaith Center of New York.

Summer Kinard

Summer Kinard
In vibrant, interactive workshops, Summer Kinard, M.Div., Th.M., mother of five, author, and Christian educator of 30 years, brings together adaptable patterns of learning to nurture all students. Summer is the author of several books, including Of Such is the Kingdom: A Practical Theology of Disability (Ancient Faith 2019) and Accessible Church School: Incarnational Practices for Participating in God (Park End Books, 2023), which gives real life examples and photos of how to apply best practices for welcoming and teaching all students. Summer serves on the Greek Orthodox Center for Family Care’s Fully Human steering committee and the planning committee for the upcoming conference, “Gathered as One Body: Disability, Accessibility, and Inclusion in the Orthodox Church,” to be held in Boston May 1-4, 2025. She and her family attend Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Follow her work at

Claire Koen

Claire Koen
Claire Koen is a Doctoral Candidate at Fordham University, and an NEH Dissertation Fellow at the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham. She is completing her dissertation on the intersection of color symbolism and demonologies in Late Antiquity, as observed in the writings of the desert fathers. She also serves as a communications researcher for the GOA communications team.

Eva Konstantakos

Eva Konstantakos
Eva Konstantakos is the National Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM) for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. She brings to her role over 20 years of experience in youth and young adult ministries, including her service as the Y2AM Director for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit from 2003-2022. During that time, she participated in and contributed to a number of parish, Metropolis, Archdiocesan, and Pan-Orthodox youth and young adult ministries and initiatives. These include parish youth and young adult ministry development, campus/college ministry, summer camps, youth worker training, youth safety, and curriculum development. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Ball State University and a Master of Theological Studies from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. She is originally from Anderson, Indiana, and currently resides in Windsor, Ontario with her husband.

Rev. Fr. Jim Kordaris

Rev. Fr. Jim Kordaris
Fr. Jim Kordaris serves the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America as Director of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism. Fr. Jim has BA-Psychology and MBA-Finance degrees from the University of Minnesota. At his home parish of St Mary’s in Minneapolis he served in many capacities including Parish Council President, Bible Study leader, camp counselor, IOCC coordinator, Festival co-Chair and Stewardship Chair.
Following twelve years in the financial services industry, he entered Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, receiving his Masters of Divinity degree. Fr. Jim was appointed Director of the newly formed Department of Outreach & Evangelism in January of 2003. In 2009 Stewardship Ministry was added to his responsibilities.
Fr. Jim served as pastor of Saint George Church on West 54th Street in New York City from 2004 to 2019. During his time there, he led a revitalization of the parish as well as the complete restoration of the church building which was erected in 1886. In September 2018, Fr. Jim began a new parish ministry at Saint George Church in Kingston, New York. Fr. Jim is married to Cally (Moraitis). They live in Cold Spring, New York with their son, Christopher.

Dr. Anastasios Koularmanis

Dr. Anastasios Koularmanis
Dr. Koularmanis, a distinguished educator/administrator with over 30 years of experience in K-12 education since 1992, assumed the role of principal at Saint Demetrios on September 1, 2000. Beginning his career with the NYC Department of Education, he attained tenure from 1992 to 1996 before joining the Hicksville School District, where he received tenure in 1999. Dr. Koularmanis transitioned to Saint Demetrios on February 1, 1999, initially as Assistant Principal and rapidly ascending to Principal. In 2020, he was appointed as the Director of Education for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English Education (1992) and a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education (1996) from Queens College, CUNY, Dr. Koularmanis earned his Administrative Certification in 1999 and a Doctorate in Education from St. John’s University in 2016. Possessing multiple licenses across various states, Dr. Koularmanis continues to champion educational excellence.

Dr. George Koulianos

Dr. George Koulianos
George T Koulianos, MD is Program Director at The Center for Reproductive Medicine in Mobile, Alabama. He received his medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. He completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Texas Tech Health Science Center at Amarillo. He completed a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans and at the University of South Alabama in Mobile.
Dr Koulianos is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. During the COVID pandemic he served as President of the Medical Society of Mobile County. Currently he is immediate past President of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama and serves on the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners.
He is an Archon and member of Leadership 100. He serves on the Metropolis of Atlanta Council. He also serves as Assistant Director for the Clergy Family Initiative a ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.

Presvytera Chrysoula Kourkounti

Presvytera Chrysoula Kourkounti
Presvytera Chrysoula Kourkounti is the Executive Director of the Maliotis Cultural Center of Hellenic College Holy Cross. A graduate of Hellenic College, she went on to earn an advanced degree in counseling psychology. During her career, she has accumulated years of experience working as a social worker and clinical art therapist, specializing in aiding abused and developmentally challenged children and adults who have endured trauma

Dr. Christopher Krampe

Dr. Christopher Krampe
Dr. Christopher Krampe serves as President of OYM. Prior to OYM he has served as Director of Humanities at a Midwestern private Catholic liberal arts college and as Executive Director at an organization dedicated to bringing cathedral culture to Midwestern audiences through art, music, literature and liturgy. He holds multiple degrees from Drake University and the University of Kansas. His wife Emily and their four children reside in Omaha, NE and attend All Holy Spirit Greek Orthodox Church. His many years of working with college students have given him a strong sense of the need for powerful youth and young adult outreach in the Orthodox world, and he is honored to serve OYM in this important role.

Niko Kyritsis

Niko Kyritsis
Niko Kyritsis has over 15 years of experience as a Software Developer in the Department of Internet Ministries. He is a member of All Saints Greek Orthodox Church in Canonsburg, PA where he co-chairs the Technology Committee. Niko holds a degree in Religious Studies from Hellenic College. He enjoys finding creative solutions to technical problems and helping parishes realize their full potential through technology. Outside of work, Niko loves spending time with his wife and two sons, who are his greatest supporters and motivation.

Rev. Fr. Mark Leondis

Rev. Fr. Mark Leondis
Fr. Mark is the Pastor of Saint Mark Church in Boca Raton, Florida. He has served the Church for almost 30 years on an Archdiocesan, Metropolis and parish level. Besides his work with youth, camping, college and young adults, he has served as the President of the Archdiocesan Presbyters Council, serves on the Board of Trustees of Hellenic College/Holy Cross, and lovingly shepherds the faithful of Saint Mark. The Saint Mark Church is a Christ-centered, ministry and outreach-minded parish, with over 700 active families.

Kyra Limberakis

Kyra Limberakis
Kyra Limberakis is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer for Orthodox Volunteer Corps. She previously served as Director of the CrossRoad Summer Institute at Hellenic College Holy Cross. She received her bachelor's degree from Villanova University and her Master of Theological Studies from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry where she focused her studies on youth and young adult ministry and the ministry of women in the church. In addition to working in full time ministry for the past 10 years, Kyra has published articles on the topic of young women’s faith formation. Kyra, her husband and their son attend St. Mary Orthodox Church in Cambridge, MA.

Cary J. Limberakis, DMD, Archon Aktouarios

Cary J. Limberakis, DMD, Archon Aktouarios
Cary J. Limberakis, DMD, a steward of three Greek Orthodox parishes in the Philadelphia area: St. Sophia, Saints Faith, Hope and Agape, St. Luke, and the Annunciation, was invested as Archon Aktouarios of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 2004 by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios. He is the Archon Regional Commander of the Greater Philadelphia Region and has organized many Orthodoxy-related symposia, notably among them Reviving the Female Diaconate: Has the Time Come? He is Chair of the Archon Engagement Committee Women In Orthodoxy and also serves on the Metropolitan Council of the Metropolis of NJ. In addition, Dr. Limberakis also serves on the Advisory Board to the Saint Phoebe Center for the Deaconess. He and his wife Alexis (Demetris), who serves on the Philoptochos National Board and as Vice President of the NJ Metropolis Philoptochos Board, have four children and three grandchildren. He is currently the President of the Pennsylvania Dental Association.

His Grace Bishop Maxim

His Grace Bishop Maxim
Bishop Maxim Vasiljević of Los Angeles and Western America earned his doctorate from the University of Athens in 1999. He completed a post-doctoral course on Byzantine History at the Sorbonne in Paris from 2003-2004 and served as a visiting professor at the French Academy of Fine Arts in Paris during the same period. Alongside his tenure at the School of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade, Bishop Maxim taught at the University of East Sarajevo and currently teaches at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He is the founder of St. Sebastian Press, a publishing house that has released theological, historical, philosophical, and artistic works. Bishop Maxim is also a painter and directs and teaches at the Diocesan iconographic school. Besides numerous scholarly articles, his bibliography includes History, Truth, Holiness (Sebastian Press: 2011), Theology as a Surprise (St. Vladimir Seminary Press: 2018), Wonder as the Beginning of Faith (Holy Cross Orthodox Press: 2022).

Barbara Minton

Barbara Minton
As an educator and longtime church musician, Barbara Minton has been a leader in preparing workshops and materials for her local parish, Metropolis, and for programs of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. She has offered advice and suggested ideas to choir directors and clergy about the use of liturgical music in their parishes regarding congregational participation, music for small parishes, involvement of youth, and overall church music programming for parishes. Barbara serves at St. George Church in Southgate, MI.

His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago

His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago
His Eminence Nathanael of Chicago presides over the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, consisting of 58 parishes and 2 monastic communities in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, central Missouri, and northern Indiana. He was enthroned as Metropolitan of Chicago on March 24, 2018.
His Eminence earned a B.A. in religious studies from Hellenic College (2000); an MDiv from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (2003); and an STM in Christian ethics (2003) and a ThD in bioethics from Boston University (2007). He also studied public health at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Theo Nicolakis

Theo Nicolakis
CIO, CISA Liaison, and Archdiocesan Security Committee Coordinator

Demetri Papacostas

Demetri Papacostas
Demetri Papacostas is Parish Council President of the St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at Ground Zero in NY. Along with the Proestamino, the Executive Director and the amazing staff, they are resurrecting the parish and community of St Nicholas, and creating a national and international platform to share Orthodoxy and Hellenism with the world.
He, and his wife Susan, are gratefully and passionately participating in many of our Orthodox and Hellenic institutions and community initiatives, including running marriage seminars for the Archdiocesan District. Mr Papacostas is on the Board of Directors of IOCC, the Board of Trustees for HCHC and the Board of Directors of HABA.
Demetri is a professor of finance at City University of New York and is involved in the Energy Transition. His career spans decades in Foreign Exchange Derivatives trading and structuring at JPMorganChase, BOA, ABN Amro, and Bloomberg LP.
He has published many articles and has written the preeminent book on FX Options, “Foreign Exchange Options and Risk Management: Market Dynamics, Models and Human Behaviour.”
Mr. Papacostas received a BA from New York University in Economics and Computer Science, and an MBA from Pace University.

George Papageorge, M.A., LMFT

George Papageorge, M.A., LMFT
George Papageorge, M.A., LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in marriage and family counseling, and a popular seminar speaker who is in high demand nationwide. George serves at the Director of the Family Wellness Ministry for the Metropolis of San Francisco Currently, he is also Professor of Family Therapy in the Graduate School of Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University.

Yiannis Papakonstantinou

Yiannis Papakonstantinou
Yannis Papakonstantinou is a distinguished Engineer, working on Query Processing and GenAI, at Google Cloud. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, following many years of having been a UCSD regular faculty member. Previously he was an architect in query processing & ETL at Databricks, and for Amazon Web Services from 2016-2021. He was the CEO and Chief Scientist of Enosys Software (acquired by BEA systems), which built and commercialized an early Enterprise Information Integration platform for structured and semi-structured data. His R&D work has been mostly on query processing with focus on querying non-relational data. He has published over one hundred twenty research articles that have received over 21,000 citations.
At UCSD, Yannis regularly held the "Computing and the Universe" seminar series, engaging its audience on questions at the intersection of technological progress, philosophy, and religion. Yannis holds a Diploma of Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, and an MS and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University (1997).

Alexis Pappas

Alexis Pappas
Alexis Pappas is the new Director of the Effective Christian Ministry Cohort. Prior to her hiring as Director, she served as a Coach since ECM's inception in 2020. She brings a wealth of experience and passion to her position, having previously served as Pastoral Assistant for twelve years at Holy Trinity Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Birmingham, Alabama.She holds a Master’s in Business Administration and a Master’s in Health Services Administration from the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Alexis is certified by the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Association. She played a pivotal role in building two Atria for the spiritual formation of children in her parish. She and her husband recently traveled to Guatemala with OCMC for their first medical mission trip. Alexis has been married to Peter Pappas for the past 26 years and is a proud mother to their four adult children.

Dr. Vicki Pappas

Dr. Vicki Pappas
As an educator and longtime church musician, Dr. Vicki Pappas has been a leader in preparing workshops and materials for her local parish, Metropolis, and for programs of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. She has offered advice and suggested ideas to choir directors and clergy about the use of liturgical music in their parishes regarding congregational participation, music for small parishes, involvement of youth, and overall church music programming for parishes. Vicki has recently returned to her home parish of Annunciation Church in Buffalo, NY, after being a longtime member of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Carmel, IN.

Presvytera Kerry Pappas

Presvytera Kerry Pappas
Pres. Kerry Pappas is the Coordinator for Clergy and Seminarian Couple Care of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a trainer and facilitator for Prepare/Enrich, a premarital and marriage enrichment program. She is a graduate of Gettysburg College (BA), Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MA), and Adler Graduate School (MA).
Pres. Kerry has been married to Father Harry Pappas for 43 years and together they have three children and 6 grandchildren. She has a passion for marriage and women's ministry, and particularly seminarian and clergy wives and couples. She leads marriage and women's retreats in Orthodox Churches throughout the country, has written articles on marriage for several publications, and is the author of the Center for Family Care's "Becoming One" and "Time Out for Marriage" series.

Steve Pappas

Steve Pappas
Steve Pappas serves as the Stewardship Ministry Lead for the Metropolis of San Francisco. He has been serving the Church for decades in numerous lay leadership positions. At his home parish of Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in Pasadena, CA, he served multiple terms as Parish Council President and Treasurer. He also served as the Finance Chair for Saint Anthony’s major Capital Campaign to build a new Parish Hall. At the Metropolis level, Steve has served on the Metropolis Council and now as a Ministry Leader. Professionally, Steve has enjoyed a 30-year career as a management consultant, serving clients across the Media, Technology, and Communication sectors. Steve resides in Glendale, CA with his wife Christine of 33 years and they are blessed with three adult children – Sophia, Nico, and Presvytera Danae Magoulias.

Rebecca Pearsall, MSW

Rebecca Pearsall, MSW
Rebecca Pearsall is the Director of Clinical Services, Education, and Independent Living Programs at Saint Basil Academy, founder and current Chair of the Board of the Philipstown Behavioral Health Hub, a consultant to the Mental Health Ministries of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, founder and CEO of M2O Swim. She holds her Master of Social Work from New York University, is a certified trainer in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (Cornell University), certified in Mental Health First Aid, and holds a certificate in the Neuroscience of Business: Innovations in Leadership and Strategic Decisions program (University of Pennsylvania, Wharton). Previously, she worked at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, WABC-News NY, United Nations (UNESCO, France and Jamaica).

Rev. Fr. Alexandros Petrides

Rev. Fr. Alexandros Petrides
Fr. Alexandros Petrides serves the parish of St. Nicholas Cathedral, in Bethlehem, PA. He is also the chair of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh Youth & Young Adult Commission, and was the founding chairman of Chrysostom Academy, a pan-Orthodox Classical school in the Lehigh Valley. The son of Fr. Theodore & Pres. Cristen, he is a product of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh, and has a great passion for engaging young people in their faith. After graduating from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, he received his MDiv from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 2013. During his time at PSU, he also met his wife, Stephanie, who served with him on the National OCF Student Leadership Board. They have three sons, Nicholas, Christopher, and Andrew, and enjoy ministry together. Some of their parish highlights include a thriving weekly youth night, a Telos group, strong Sunday School, Greek School, and Greek Dance programs, which have produced many campers, counselors and chanters for the Metropolis.

Niko Petrogeorge

Niko Petrogeorge
Nicholas Petrogeorge has been leading OCPM since 2020. As Executive Director he manages all facets of OCPM’s programs and administration throughout the US. He has spent a decade in non-profit leadership fundraising strategic planning and program development working to create the best conditions for good ministry to thrive. Niko is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh where he earned his bachelor’s degree in journalism. He and his family reside in Raleigh North Carolina.

Dr. Despina Prassas

Dr. Despina Prassas
Dr. Despina Prassas, the daughter of Rev. George and Presbytera Katherine Prassas, has a doctorate in historical theology and has worked as a professor at Providence College in Rhode Island, and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. A graduate of Holy Cross, she has represented the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of American on the World Council of Churches Centreal Commitee and at meetings of the Faith and Order Commission. For many years she was a member of the National Council of Churches of Christ Faith and Order Commission and has led studies for this body. Currently, she is a member of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation. Her research interests include the study of Maximos the Confessor, early Christian monasticism and the ecumenical movement. She is also a practicing Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.

Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou Kyrou

Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou Kyrou
Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou Kyrou is Visiting Professor in the International Studies Program at Boston College. Prodromou served as a diplomat on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (2004-2012) and as a member of the U.S. Secretary of State’s Religion & Foreign Policy Working Group (2011-2015). She advises international organizations on geopolitics, religion, and human rights, including training workshops for diplomats on religious literacy, as well as leadership training programs for faith-based institutions. Widely published in academic and policy journals and an internationally recognized expert on global Orthodox Christianity, her recent publications include "Diplomacy, Geopolitics, and Global Orthodox Christianity," and "Influence Operations in Greece's Religious Ecosystem" in Kremlin Playbook 3; she is co-editor of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and American Higher Education: Theological, Historical, and Contemporary Reflections, and Thinking through Faith: Perspectives from Orthodox Christian Scholars. She was a delegate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Holy and Great Council at Crete in 2016. Her policy-practitioner work includes appointments to the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center (Non-Resident Senior Fellow), Religions for Peace (Co-President), St. Phoebe's Center for the Deaconess, the Freedom of Religion or Belief Women’s Alliance (Alliance Advisor), the Ecumenical Patriarchate's Task Force on Modern Slavery. She is married to Dr. Alexandros Kyrou and they are joyful parents to their daughter Sophia. Prodromou holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Thom Rainer

Thom Rainer
Thom Rainer holds a B.S. in Business Administration, an M.Div., and a Ph. D. He has served as the pastor of four churches, academic dean of Southern Seminary, and CEO of Lifeway. He is currently the CEO of Church Answers, an organization that touches two out of three churches in America every year. He is the author of 42 books, three of which became #1 bestsellers. His latest book is Where Have All the Church Members Gone? released in July by Tyndale. Dr. Rainer has written over 1,000 articles, mostly on issues related to local congregations, and consulted with over 700 churches. He and his wife, Nellie Jo, have been married for 46 years. They have three married sons and 11 grandchildren.

Rev. Fr. Stephanos Ritsi

Rev. Fr. Stephanos Ritsi
Fr. Stephanos earned a degree in Political Science from the University of Florida and a Master of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He also received a certificate from the Boston Theological Institute in Missions and Ecumenism and served as president of the missions committee of Holy Cross from 2009-2012. After seminary, Fr. Stephanos was sent to Albania for 10 years to assist the continued rebuilding efforts of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in October of 2021 and was appointed as a Lecturer at Logos University College, where he teaches Missiology, Inter-Religious Dialogue, and the History of Religions in Albania. In 2023, Fr. Stephanos returned to Saint Augustine, FL, with his two sons, Moses and Athan, where he now serves as the Assistant Missionary Director of OCMC.

Jamil Samara

Jamil Samara
Jamil Samara is the Director of the Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He is an active member of St. Mary Orthodox Church of Cambridge, MA as a chanter, webmaster, and technology lead. Jamil holds a degree in Computer Science from Boston College and an M. Div. from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He enjoys contemplating the convergence of technology and faith and its implications on our relationships with God and one another.

Mark Santana

Mark Santana
Mark Santana has lead church and volunteer engagement at OCPM since January 2023. Under Mark’s direction dozens of churches around the US have begun successful parish-based ministries, utilizing several well-developed success models. Mark began volunteering in prison ministry in 2011. He is passionate about helping men who were raised in fatherless homes to know their self-worth and has mentored dozens of men through their incarceration and re-entry upon release. Prior to working at OCPM, he had a successful career in law enforcement and corporate investigations.

His Grace Bishop Sevastianos

His Grace Bishop Sevastianos
Bishop Sevastianos was born in Ano-Zodia, Cyprus, he is the first born of three children of Panayiota and Frixos Skordallos. He is a graduate of the Economic High School, Morphou, Cyprus (1973) and the Theological School of the University Athens, Greece (1978). He received a scholarship through the World Council of Churches to study in the United States at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur Georgia (1982) where he received a Th.M. in Pastoral Psychology. He has worked and received advanced certification in Clinical Pastoral Education at Caraway Methodist Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama (1980-1982), and furthered his studies in Pastoral Psychology at Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee and Middle Tennessee State University (1982-1984). He was ordained Deacon on January 17, 1974, by the late Metropolitan of Morphou Chrysanthos and Priest on March 4, 1978 in England by the Bishop of Tropaiou Gregorios who is currently the Archbishop of Thyateira and All England. He received the offikion of Archimandrite by the late Archbishop of Thyateira Athenagoras. He has served several parishes both as a deacon and a priest in Cyprus, Greece and the U.S. As a Deacon he served the late Metropolitan Chyrsanthos of Morphou (1974), St. George Church, in Akadimia Platonos, in Athens (1975), St. Nicholas Church in Kato Patisia, Athens (1976-78), and as a priest in Nottingham England (1978-79), Holy Trinity-Holy Cross in Birmingham, Alabama, U.S. (1980-82), Sts Constantine and Helen – Holy Cross, Huntsville, Alabama (1982-84, 1989-93), the Cathedral of Panayia Catholike, Limassol Cyprus (1984-88), Holy Transfiguration, Marietta, Georgia (1993-2004), and St. Nicholas Cathedral, Tarpon Springs, Florida (2004-06). He was appointed Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America on June 1, 2006, a position that he still holds. Bishop Sevastianos, has been actively involved in the Administration of the Church in general, and in particular in our Holy Archdiocese, serving as a Council member on the Metropolis and Archdiocesan levels; in the Administration Committee of the Archdiocesan Council where he assisted in developing resources for the training of Parish Councils and in the Legal Committee of the Archdiocese. He has served as President of the Clergy Syndesmos of the Metropolis of Atlanta for several years and the Archdiocesan Presbyters Council. In early December 2018, His Grace returned to the Metropolis of Atlanta and is assisting His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios in ministering and serving the faithful within the Metropolis of Atlanta.

Rev. Dn. Marek Simon

Rev. Dn. Marek Simon
Dn. Marek has over 20 years of experience in youth and young adult ministry. He previously served at Antiochian Village Camp from 2002-2019, mentoring and supervising summer camp staff, developing programming, and overseeing the advancement efforts of the camp. He transitioned to this role with OCF in 2019, recognizing a strong desire and opportunity to strengthen the Church’s ministry to college students. He believes that every college student should have the opportunity to be part of a faithful campus community where they are known and loved- keeping students more richly connected to Christ.

Rev. Fr. Gregory-Telemachos Stamkopoulos

Rev. Fr. Gregory-Telemachos Stamkopoulos
Fr. Gregory-Telemachos Stamkopoulos, a clergy member of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, brings a diverse background to his role. Ordained in 1997 in Thessaloniki, Greece, he served as a parish priest and holds degrees in Physics and Theology from Aristotle University. His academic journey includes an MSc in Radioelectrology and a Ph.D. in Medical Informatics, with international research stints at the Weizmann Institute and Yale University. Fr. Gregory's teaching experience spans theology and sciences in Moscow and Kyiv, where he served as a visiting professor, and since 2017, as a scientific advisor and visiting professor in Congo. His roles have extended to managing the digital archive of the Chalki Theological School Library in Istanbul (2009-2019) and teaching Applied Information Technology in Thessaloniki as an Associate Professor since 2010. Joining the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in 2020, Fr. Gregory now serves at St. Basil's Greek Orthodox Church and holds the position of Associate Director of the Department of Greek Education. Appointed by Archbishop Elpidophoros in 2021, he also directs the Archdiocesan Hellenic Cultural Center in Astoria and presides at St. Spyridon Church in Washington Heights. Additionally, since January 2022, he has served as an adjunct professor at Holy Cross School of Theology, teaching Science and Orthodox Theology.

George Stavros

George Stavros
George Stavros is the Executive Director of the Danielsen Institute and Clinical Associate Professor of Pastoral Psychology at Boston University. His clinical and research interests are in the connection between mental health and spirituality in clinical practice and in clergy and clergy family wellness. He is co-author of Relational Spirituality in Psychotherapy and co-editor of The Skillful Soul of the Psychotherapist. He is a licensed psychologist, a graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and lives with his family in Boston, Massachusetts.

Anna Teodosiadis

Anna Teodosiadis
Anna is originally from Seattle, Washington. Growing up she was an active member of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Religious Studies from Hellenic College in 2017. Upon graduation, Anna worked as Youth Director for Resurrection Greek Orthodox Church in Castro Valley, CA for almost six years. At Resurrection, the young adult team was a pilot parish in the first phase of the Telos Project. Here she experienced the successes, challenges, and many conversations in what it takes to maintain an active Young Adult group. She is currently completing online coursework for her Master of Theological Studies at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. She just began her work as the Metropolis of San Francisco Youth & Young Adult Parish Ministry Advisor and part-time for Hellenic College Holy Cross in its Admissions Office as one of two Metropolis of San Francisco Field Representatives.

Georgios Theodoridis

Georgios Theodoridis
Georgios Theodoridis, born in Böblingen, Germany, immersed himself in Byzantine Music during his early university years, learning theory and practical chanting under the tutelage of some of Greece's most renowned teachers and chanters. He earned an honors degree in Byzantine Music and Music Teacher Diploma from the Conservatory of Egaleo in Athens, Greece. Currently, he serves as Protopsaltis, Choir Master, and Director of the Office of Music Arts at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Washington, DC.
In June 2021, Archbishop Elpidophoros of America honored him as Archon Mousikodidaskalos (Music Instructor) for his decade-long dedication to the teaching and promotion of Byzantine Music. Together with this honor, Theodoridis was appointed Director of the School of Byzantine Music of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America to develop qualified and well-trained cantors.
Theodoridis has produced and released Solo and Choral CDs, showcasing his mastery. He has been invited to share his expertise in Byzantine Music at prestigious institutions such as Holy Cross Hellenic College Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MA), the Catholic University of America (DC), American University (DC), Georgetown University (DC), and the Metropolitan Museum of Arts (NY).

Sangeetha S. Thomas, MS

Sangeetha S. Thomas, MS
Sangeetha S. Thomas is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Owner of Nepsis Counseling in Dallas, Texas. She is also the Director of Mental Health Ministries for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. As Director, she collaborates with an interdisciplinary team of experts in mental health, ministry, and theology to create resources that support the mental health needs of Orthodox Christians across the United States. As a psychotherapist, Sangeetha works with adults of diverse backgrounds who are healing from trauma, exploring multicultural identity and intergenerational trauma as children of immigrants, and exploring their spiritual identity.

Dr. Paraskevè (Eve) Tibbs

Dr. Paraskevè (Eve) Tibbs
Dr. Paraskevè (Eve) Tibbs holds a PhD in Theology with a minor in Church History from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, where she has also served as Affiliate Professor of Theology since 2005. Her recent book, A Basic Guide to Eastern Orthodox Theology: Introducing Beliefs and Practices, with Foreword by His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, was released by Baker Academic Publishing in July 2021. Dr. Tibbs is a member of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate. She serves as the Ministry Lead for Christian Education and on the Metropolis Council of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco. Dr. Tibbs attends Saint Paul's Greek Orthodox Church in Irvine, CA. where she serves as the Choir Director, as a Chantor, Bible Study leader, and Chair of the Church School Board. She and her husband, Stephen, have been blessed with three amazing daughters, their equally-wonderful husbands, and eight adorable grandchildren.

Steve Tibbs

Steve Tibbs
Steve Tibbs currently leads the Orthodox Parish Leadership ministry for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco. He is the author of “Parish Strategic Planning; A Guidebook for our Parishes.” In total, Steve has 25 years’ experience on Parish Councils, serving 14 years as president at Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, CA. Steve has led the implementation of the Metropolis of San Francisco’s Strategic Plan as well as capital campaigns comprising of more than $35 million in capital improvements. In his work, he has also directed the strategic plan development at over 25 Orthodox Parishes and Church Ministries and presented nationally on his work with parishes on behalf of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Previously, Steve was a partner with the global consulting firm Accenture and led the Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching Practices for both Heidrick & Struggles and Lee Hecht Harrison.

Presvytera Pat Tsagalakis

Presvytera Pat Tsagalakis
Presvytera Pat Tsagalakis is a graduate of the University of Michigan and a retired music educator with 25 years of teaching experience. Currently, Presvytera Pat serves as the Assistant Director of the Family Wellness Ministry for the Metropolis of San Francisco. In this role, she hopes to empower interested clergy and lay people to create vibrant family ministries within the parish, fostering stronger marriages and a building closer connections within the church and family.

Rev. Fr. Tom Tsagalakis, M.Div., MFT.

Rev. Fr. Tom Tsagalakis, M.Div., MFT.
Fr. Tom Tsagalakis, M.Div., MFT., is a member of the Family Wellness Ministry team and priest at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Shoreline, WA. He is also a Marriage and Family Therapist and has served as an adjunct professor of counseling at Seattle Pacific University. Fr. Tom has helped countless people through the “Give Back Group” for families and individuals struggling with addictions. As part of the Family Wellness Ministry team, he also supports clergy couples who are in need of a safe, confidential space for counseling.

Sara Tsugranis

Sara Tsugranis
Sara Tsugranis is a graduate of Fordham University with a B.A. in Political Science with minors in Orthodox Christian Studies and Medieval Studies. She received the Fr. John Meyendorff Undergraduate Achievement Award for Academic Excellence in Orthodox Christian Studies. Passionate about advocating for a wide range of issues heavily affecting women, Sara serves as a board member for the St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess. Sara currently works in the Department of Communications at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and will be attending law school in the fall.

Rev. Fr. Nikolaos Tzetzis

Joyce Valdez

Joyce Valdez
Joyce Valdez has been with the National Marrow Donor Program (formerly known as “Be the Match”) since 2005. In her position in Southern California, Joyce serves as the main point of contact for patients and families that have been diagnosed with a blood cancer or blood disorder and are in search of a donor. Joyce will share with us information on the life-saving work of NMDP.
As part of our new outreach initiative, NMDP will be back with us this Thursday where you will have the opportunity to be part of this life-saving movement.

Andrew Veniopoulos

Andrew Veniopoulos
Andrew Veniopoulos has a long a distinguished career in serving the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Eastern Orthodox Church in general. He has been instrumental in coordinating all aspects of the trips of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the United States and around the world since His All-Holiness’ first visit to the United States in 1997. He has coordinated on behalf of His All Holiness, meetings with every sitting President of the United States since 1997, United Nations Secretary General, and foreign leaders from Mexico, Cuba, Israel, and Palestine, to name a few.
In 2014, he worked with his fellow co-founders of His All Holiness’s meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis in Jerusalem, Israel. In 2016, he coordinated a “Trip of Peace” to the island of Lesvos to raise awareness of the issue involving thousands of refugees with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis, and Archbishop Ieronimos of Athens among the participants. Also in 2016, he served as logistics coordinator for the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, which took place on the island of Crete in Greece. He served as Project Executive for the Friends of Saint Nicholas, overseeing all aspects of the completion of construction of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine. He was recently appointed as the Executive Director of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine.
Andrew is native and currently resides in New York City, where he attended New York University, majoring in Politics and Philosophy.

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis
Fr. Luke A. Veronis is the director of the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity and has been teaching at Hellenic College Holy Cross since 2005. For the past 19 years he has overseen a vibrant renewal at Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Webster, MA. He has been involved in the Orthodox Church’s missionary movement since 1987, serving as a missionary priest in post-communist Albania for ten and a half years with his wife and children as well as serving in East Africa for eighteen months. He has led 11 short-term mission teams to Project Mexico building homes for the needy in Tijuana. He has published four books related to missions, witness and outreach.

Rev. Dr. Patrick Viscuso

Rev. Dr. Patrick Viscuso
The Reverend Dr. Patrick Viscuso is a Professor of Canon Law at the Antiochian House of Studies and the Pastoral School of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America, an Orthodox canonist, and a protopresbyter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He is the president of the Orthodox Canon Law Society of North America and a member of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation. He has been president of the Byzantine Studies Association of North America. His doctorate from The Catholic University of America concentrated on canon law, patristic studies, and church history. He holds a Master of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and a Bachelor of Science from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He has authored numerous scholarly articles and five books. He holds the Jeweled Cross in the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. He is married and has a family.

Rev. Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas

Rev. Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas
The Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne, Rev. Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas, born in Flushing, NY in 1972, is a highly experienced and devoted clergyman within the Greek Orthodox Church, boasting over two decades of distinguished service. A family man, he married Anthoula Hatzimihalis in 2001 and is a proud father to twins Nikolas and Petros, born in 2005. He was ordained in 2007, following his academic achievements; a Master of Divinity with high distinction from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 1998, and a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies with distinction from Hellenic College in 1994. His ecclesiastical journey includes roles from Assistant to the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America to Presiding Priest at notable parishes across New York and Connecticut, culminating in his current role as Archiepiscopal Vicar at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Manhattan. Recognized for his leadership, he was appointed Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in 2019 and has been honored with prestigious ecclesiastical awards, underlining his commitment to his faith and community. Fluent in English and Greek, Father Vithoulkas embodies the essence of spiritual guidance and ecclesiastical administration.

Gayle Woloschak

Gayle Woloschak
Gayle Woloschak is a professor of Radiation Oncology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Her primary areas of research examine how radiation causes cancer, developing nanotechnology tools to image and treat cancer. Gayle holds a PhD in Medical Sciences (Microbiology) at the Medical College of Ohio. She completed her postdoctoral research fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. She is a past president of the Orthodox Theological Society in America.

Rev. Archdeacon Paul Zaharas

Rev. Archdeacon Paul Zaharas
Rev. Archdeacon Paul Zaharas is the US Country Representative for International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and heads its team specializing in disaster preparedness and response across the country. Before joining staff in 2020, Archdeacon Paul served on IOCC’s Board of Directors and, beginning in 2013, as part of the Orthodox Frontline offering emotional and spiritual care. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Sciences and Mathematics from the University of Wyoming in Larami in 1996. In May 2000, Archdeacon Paul received his Master of Divinity degree from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He enjoys running, hiking, golf, and is an avid fly fisherman.