In Christ, we are one!

Workshops and Presentations

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Mon, July 1 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Health Care Screenings by Ygeia Nutrition

As a Registered Dietitian and Founder of Ygeia Nutrition, a Nutrition Counseling Private Practice and Wellness Concierge, based in New York City, Maria will work closely with you and guide you using evidence-based techniques that empower you to achieve sustainable weight loss and weight management, effectively manage clinical conditions, and embrace positivity throughout your health and wellness journey. Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN specializes in weight loss and weight management and provides medical nutrition therapy for conditions such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. Providing clients with individualized care and nutrition support, Maria emphasizes the importance of educating her clients on proper and balanced nutrition with a focus on sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes that enhance their quality of life while embracing the Mediterranean lifestyle. What You Can Expect From Your Initial Nutrition Consult Session with Maria: - Discussion of your medical history, diet and food history, lifestyle, personal health and wellness goals and blood work review (if provided) - Body Composition Analysis - Personalized Recommendations and Tips to help you achieve your health and wellness goals - One-on-One time with a Board Certified Registered Dietitian to get your nutrition and wellness questions answered


Presented by: Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN
Mon, July 1 1:30PM - 3:30PM

Youth and Young Adult Ministries Committee Meeting

Youth & Young Adult
The Youth and Young Adults Committee works together with the National Youth Office, the Office of Ionian Village, the Metropolis Youth Offices, as well as the camps and the Office of Youth Protection to discuss cooperation and unified messaging across the Archdiocese.
Mon, July 1 1:30PM - 3:30PM

Stewardship: Launch of The Parish Planned Giving Initiative

Join us for the launch of our new Parish Planned Giving Initiative. Our Director of Parish Planned Giving, Melpomeni "Melpo" Murdakes, will present the new Parish Planned Giving Guidebook and QuickStart Guide, outlining a plan for parishes to initiate, refine and enhance their parish planned giving programs. This new initiative has the full support of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros in his concern for the long-term spiritual and financial health of parishes throughout the Archdiocese.
Mon, July 1 1:30PM - 3:30PM

Technology Committee Meeting

The Technology Committee addresses how the needs of a 21st century church are being met by the Archdiocese, both in the buildings of our Archdiocesan and Metropolis Offices as well as online.
Mon, July 1 3:30PM - 5:30PM

Greek Education Committee Meeting

The Greek Education Committee continues to study and address the crucial question of what can be done to both keep and to further advance Greek education across the Archdiocese.
Mon, July 1 3:30PM - 5:30PM

Marriage and Family Committee Meeting

The Marriage and Family Committee works diligently in addressing the life of the largest constituency of our Archdiocese, the family. This committee works closely with other committees such as Youth and Religious Education to encompass a holistic approach to how the Archdiocese ministers to its families.
Mon, July 1 3:30PM - 5:30PM

Communications Committee Meeting

The Communications Committee deals mainly with the ways and foundations of the Archdiocesan communications and press operations and ways that the Church can further leverage itself in both national and international media.
Mon, July 1 3:30PM - 5:30PM

Joint Benefits Committee Meeting

This forum is open to all Clergy, Delegates and attendees to present updates and progress about the Orthodox Health Plan (OHP) and the Pension fund of our Clergy and Lay Employees. Attendees will be able to ask questions with a goal of offering transparent and informative answers to educate our parishes and Clergy about the work of the ABC, GOA, and Archdiocese Finance Committee jointly to serve our Clergy, Lay Employees and Parishes. The goal is to show a united front working for the good of the Archdiocese.
Presented by: Elaine Allen (GOA Treasurer), Lou Kircos (Finance Comm Chair), Fr. Jim Greanias, Fr. Simon Thomas (Insurance Chairman), Fr. Mark Pakes (Investment Chair), George Caravakis (GDC).
Mon, July 1 3:30PM - 5:30PM

Religious Education Committee Meeting

The Religious Education Committee deals not only with Sunday School, but all ways in which education becomes a part of the life of the Church and the faithful. Expanding religious educational offerings and examining current curriculums is the oversight of this committee.
Mon, July 1 4:45PM - 5:45PM

Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology Reception

ALL Clergy-Laity registered participants and friends are invited and welcome to come to the HCHC reception! The purpose of the reception is to provide a place for conversation sponsored by HCHC and to inform attendees about the opportunities offered by the School.
Presented by: Dr. Bruce Beck
Tue, July 2 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Health Care Screenings by Ygeia Nutrition

As a Registered Dietitian and Founder of Ygeia Nutrition, a Nutrition Counseling Private Practice and Wellness Concierge, based in New York City, Maria will work closely with you and guide you using evidence-based techniques that empower you to achieve sustainable weight loss and weight management, effectively manage clinical conditions, and embrace positivity throughout your health and wellness journey. Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN specializes in weight loss and weight management and provides medical nutrition therapy for conditions such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. Providing clients with individualized care and nutrition support, Maria emphasizes the importance of educating her clients on proper and balanced nutrition with a focus on sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes that enhance their quality of life while embracing the Mediterranean lifestyle. What You Can Expect From Your Initial Nutrition Consult Session with Maria: - Discussion of your medical history, diet and food history, lifestyle, personal health and wellness goals and blood work review (if provided) - Body Composition Analysis - Personalized Recommendations and Tips to help you achieve your health and wellness goals - One-on-One time with a Board Certified Registered Dietitian to get your nutrition and wellness questions answered


Presented by: Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN
Tue, July 2 9:00AM - 10:30AM

Ministry Panel: Equipping our Parishes to Reclaim the Great Commission

The Great Commission calls us to focus our parish ministries on renewing the faith of our members in order to share our faith with inquirers and the unchurched. We do this through our actions as well as our words. This interactive ministry panel of priests, leaders and educators will share proven practical methods, successful ministries, information and resources to inspire and equip parish leaders to obey the command of Christ to "make disciples of all nations." (Matt 28:16-20).
Presented by: Fr. Evan Armatas, Fr. Mark Leondis, Fr. Luke Veronis, Dr. Eve Tibbs, Fr. Jim Kordaris (Moderator)
Tue, July 2 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Workshop: Securing our Parish Communities: Physical security and Cyber safety

This session will discuss physical and cyber-security best practices to improve parish physical safety and mitigate cyber-attacks on our parish communities. This session, done in partnership with the CISA (US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency), will cover the steps parishes should take to assess their physical safety footprint, learn about available government grants, and cyber best practices. Attendees will come away with resources and specific action plans to implement in the parish.
Presented by: Theo Nicolakis
Tue, July 2 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Workshop: Creating a Singing Parish: Congregations and Beyond

Geared for clergy and parish delegates, this workshop will share ideas for building a parish program of church music that extends beyond the choir and the chanters. Starting with the premise that hymns are prayers and excellent vehicles for learning about our faith, presenters will share practical ideas and available resources for initiating congregational singing as well as using hymn singing in various non-liturgical settings of a parish. Participants will also receive information about the various Archdiocesan and National Forum materials and resources that are available to assist them in incorporating more hymn-singing throughout the parish.
Presented by: Dr. Vicki Pappas and Ms. Barbara Minton
Tue, July 2 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Workshop: Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine's Impact and Ministries

Since December 6, 2022, the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center has become a global beacon of faith and hope, welcoming more over than 165,000 visitors. It stands as a modern reincarnation of Hagia Sophia, promoting the Greek Orthodox Christian Heritage in America, and fostering interfaith engagement in a secular, commercial hub.  Additionally, the Shrine is developing a Bereavement Center to provide solace and support to those affected by the events of 9/11 and other tragedies, reinforcing its commitment to spiritual guidance and community healing.
Presented by: Rev. Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas, Archon Andrew Veniopoulos, Dimitrios Katsiklis
Tue, July 2 9:00AM - 1:00PM

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee works directly with our Archdiocesan Finance Office as well as all of the Departments and Metropolis Finance Committees to have planning and oversight on the Archdiocesan Budget. Also, the Finance Committee has oversight of the Archdiocesan Total Commitment Program, and any other programs or initiatives of the Archdiocese that have a financial impact.
Tue, July 2 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Who is the Psaltis? Why Do We Need Him? What is His Role?

The Psaltis (cantor) is an integral participant and enabler of all our liturgical services and sacraments. The role, clerical position, and service to the people of a Psaltis remains substantially unknown and incompletely understood by many of the laity. This presentation is intended to raise awareness of the proper role of the Psaltis in the Liturgical life of the Church.
Presented by: Archon Music Instructor Georgios Theodoridis
Tue, July 2 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Workshop: Ecumenical Families: A Pastoral, Theological and Canonical Approach

The mystery of marital unity in Christ speaks to the communion of faith and has special pastoral, canonical, and theological meanings when related to the icon of marriage and family as the “little Church”, according to the expression developed by Saint John Chrysostom. The already large number of ecumenical families (couples from different Christian denominations), also known as mixed marriages, calls for a renewed compassionate and pastorally inspired approach. This panel discussion will focus on new pastoral, canonical, and theological responses to this common reality. In this regard, the panelists will concentrate their attention on the latest groundbreaking document published by the North American Orthodox–Catholic Theological Consultation: “The Pastoral Care of Mixed Marriages: Neither Yours or Mine – But Ours”. This panel will be offered in collaboration with the Huffington Ecumenical Institute at Hellenic College Holy Cross.
Presented by: Rev. Dr. Patrick Viscuso (PhD), Rev. Dr. Philip Halikias (PhD), Despina Prassas (PhD), Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis (PhD)
Tue, July 2 11:00AM - 12:30PM

Ministry Panel: Artificial Intelligence, Personhood, and Theosis

As researchers create ever more refined and sophisticated artificial intelligence, conversations have naturally arisen in response to the breadth of possibilities that better AI brings to the world. From discussions about how to regulate student use of chatbots like ChatGPT, concerns over election security, deep fakes, and threats to national security, AI raises ethical, safety, and practical concerns in almost every arena of our lives. But how might artificial intelligence affect our spiritual lives? Can AI become an asset to the Orthodox Church? How might AI help us better connect with our neighbors? Our panelists will discuss the implications of AI for persons of faith, and for the Orthodox Church more broadly.
Presented by: Gayle Woloschak, Ph.D., and Yannis Papakonstantinou, Ph.D.
Tue, July 2 1:00PM - 2:30PM

Ministry Panel: Women in Orthodoxy: Past, Present, and Future Roles

The Church is the unity of the faithful gathered into one Body under the headship of Christ, and all of her faithful, men and women, old and young, share both personally and collectively in the vocation to be the Church. In what ways have women lived and are living this vocation to be the Church in the world? This panel will reflect on the needs and experiences of women today, and examine the vital ways in which women have served historically, the roles they undertake today, and possible paths of future service, covering philanthropic, pastoral, liturgical, administrative, and educational roles. The aim of the panel is to educate, listen, and identify actions that will encourage organized and systematic support for the dynamic participation of women in the Church.
Presented by: Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, Elizabeth Prodromou Kyrou (PhD), Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos (PhD), Sara Tsugranis, Kyra P. Limberakis (MTS), Cary J. Limberakis (DMD)
Tue, July 2 1:30PM - 3:30PM

Administration Committee Meeting

The Administration Committee has authority over any changes or amendments to the Regulations of the Archdiocese.
Tue, July 2 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Workshop: The Saint Anastasia Fellowship – Addictions Ministry and Support Group

This workshop unveils the innovative approach of ‘The Saint Anastasia Fellowship’, an Addictions Ministry and Support Group within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. We showcase the profound integration of our faith into the realm of recovery, combining Orthodox Christian Ontology with modern clinical insights. Our unique strategy addresses addiction complexities by establishing a localized, confessional community. Emphasizing addiction as necessitating a communal response, we present an effort both immediate and local, celestial and universal. The goal is to make ‘The Saint Anastasia Fellowship’ accessible to any parish seeking its incorporation, fostering a transformative bridge between ancient faith and contemporary recovery models.
Presented by: Rev. Fr. Nikolas Delaveris
Tue, July 2 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Workshop: How to Get Started in Prison Ministry with Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry

An inspirational and tactical conversation on how you may begin or further your local prison ministry, through the training and ongoing support of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry followed by a 20-minute Q&A.
Presented by: Nicholas Petrogeorge, Mark Santana
Tue, July 2 3:00PM - 4:30PM

Ministry Panel: Engaging the Youth in the Body of Christ

Youth & Young Adult
Join us for this engaging discussion on how parishes can and should actively involve youth in the vibrant life of their parishes. In exploring the true needs of young people and the challenges they face in today’s world, the panel will explore strategic approaches centered around the transformative core of the Orthodoxy – Christ. The aim is to cultivate ministries deeply rooted in Christ's life, empowering children to authentically model these principles in their own lives, thereby fostering a more profound and enduring connection between the youth and Christ.
Presented by: Eva Konstantakos, Rev. Fr. Nicolaos Tzetzis, Alexis Pappas, Dr. Ann Mitsakos Bezzerides
Tue, July 2 3:00PM - 5:00PM

Panel Discussion on the 50th Anniversary of the Cypriot Invasion

The long-standing tensions between Turkey and Greece are showcased in Cyprus’ painful history. As we remember the suffering of those who came before us, and grapple with the enduring injustice of an occupied Cyprus, we must also explore our hopes for the future and how to effect meaningful change in the region. We will be joined by Kyriacos Papastylianou, president of the board of directors of the Federation of Cypriot American Associations, who will share his eyewitness account of the invasion of Cyprus. The panel will then turn to a discussion of the historical context, options for the future, and strategies for delivering effective calls to action.
Tue, July 2 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Workshop: The Assembly of Bishops’ Mental Health Ministries

This panel invites you to examine the complex space where spiritual care and ministry can intersect with the mental health needs of parishioners. How can clergy and parish leadership tend to the holistic well-being of the flock and what responsible considerations should be made along the way? Panelists will discuss the prevalence of mental health concerns in our communities, the impact of socio-cultural stigma around mental health, the implications this can have for an individual's spiritual development, and the various resources available to attend to these growing needs.
Presented by: Sangeetha S. Thomas (MS), Randa K. Anderson (PhD), Fr. Vasili Hillhouse (M.Div., M.A.), Rebecca Pearsall (MSW)
Tue, July 2 3:30PM - 4:30PM

Workshop: Inter-Parish Associations – A Futuristic Vision

Inter-Parish Associations promote communication, camaraderie, and cooperation across Orthodox Christian parishes of all jurisdictions in a given geographical area. They are local (ie. the city/town level) and include both clergy and laity. Their purpose is to break down barriers across Orthodox Christian jurisdictions and, as a unified Orthodox Christian community, witness Christ's love in local society through common ministry. The panel will discuss what an IPA is, how to start one, and testimonials from existing IPA leadership.
Presented by: His Grace Bishop Sevastianos, Spyridoula Fotinis, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anton, Presvytera Maria Drossos
Tue, July 2 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Workshop: Youth Safety - Best Practices

Youth & Young Adult
Youth protection is a critical component for healthy, active parishes. Beginning with Background Checks and Training, there is so much more that we all can do to safeguard our ministries, including how to comply with requirements of parish insurance companies. Leadership from around the Archdiocese will present ways to best prepare your parish.
Presented by: Rhea Ballas, Dept of Youth Safety, Archon George Tsougarakis, General Counsel, Archdeacon Justin Bosl, Archon Harry Ruska
Wed, July 3 10:30AM - 5:00PM

Health Care Screenings by Ygeia Nutrition

As a Registered Dietitian and Founder of Ygeia Nutrition, a Nutrition Counseling Private Practice and Wellness Concierge, based in New York City, Maria will work closely with you and guide you using evidence-based techniques that empower you to achieve sustainable weight loss and weight management, effectively manage clinical conditions, and embrace positivity throughout your health and wellness journey. Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN specializes in weight loss and weight management and provides medical nutrition therapy for conditions such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. Providing clients with individualized care and nutrition support, Maria emphasizes the importance of educating her clients on proper and balanced nutrition with a focus on sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes that enhance their quality of life while embracing the Mediterranean lifestyle. What You Can Expect From Your Initial Nutrition Consult Session with Maria: - Discussion of your medical history, diet and food history, lifestyle, personal health and wellness goals and blood work review (if provided) - Body Composition Analysis - Personalized Recommendations and Tips to help you achieve your health and wellness goals - One-on-One time with a Board Certified Registered Dietitian to get your nutrition and wellness questions answered


Presented by: Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN
Wed, July 3 11:00AM - 12:30PM

Ministry Panel: Orthodoxy in America: The Role of the Assembly of Bishops

This panel discussion will feature Orthodox Christian hierarchs, members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA to share their visions on the imperative topic of Orthodox Unity in America. The panel, representing a diverse array of perspectives within the Orthodox Christian tradition, will engage in a thoughtful exchange that transcends ecclesiastical boundaries. The hierarchs will emphasize the significance of fostering unity and collaboration among Orthodox communities in America, recognizing the challenges posed by historical, cultural, and administrative differences, but also unfolding the impressive accomplishments and programs supported by the Assembly of Bishops.
Wed, July 3 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Workshop: HCHC Outbound: Nurturing Orthodox Christians through Accessible Education, Publications, and Spiritual Formation

The mission of HCHC is “the formation and education of the person within the life of an Orthodox Christian community.” Our vision is “to be the intellectual, educational, and spiritual formation center of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.” This presentation will highlight several recent innovative initiatives that invigorate our educational outreach to everyone who wants to learn, bringing the good news to places where people live and work.
Presented by: Dr. Bruce Beck
Wed, July 3 1:00PM - 2:00PM

Workshop: Orthodox Christian Unity: Witnessing Christ in the World

From the United States to the Middle East, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America and her Agencies witness Christ’s love through humanitarian outreach and service to the community. Assembly projects, such as Peace of Mind and the Accessibility Ministry, as well as the programs of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), Orthodox Volunteer Corps (OVC), and Orthodox Youth & Youth Adult Ministries (OYM) benefit thousands around the globe each year. Come here stories from the ground and interact with these important ministries of Christ’s Holy Church!
Presented by: Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anton, Archdeacon Paul Zaharas (IOCC), Rev. Fr. Stephanos Ritsi (OCMC), Rev. Dn. Marek Simon (OCF), Niko Petrogeorge (OCPM), Kyra Limberakis (OVC), Dr. Chris Krampe (OYM)
Wed, July 3 1:00PM - 2:30PM

Ministry Panel: Fully Human: Toward Full Participation of People with Disabilities in the Orthodox Church


Participants can expect an in-depth look at the efforts of the Fully Human ministry, including those being made toward accessible worship for Deaf and blind persons, how to create accessible Sunday School rooms and tailor educational materials for atypical learners, and the vital importance of churches addressing physical access needs.

Panelists will offer personal insight regarding their lived experience as caregivers and individuals with disabilities while emphasizing the theological connections related to the oneness of the Body of Christ and how the inclusion and valuing of people with varying abilities enhances the health and life of parishes.

A significant portion of the session will be dedicated to an interactive Q&A session, allowing attendees to engage with the panelists and delve deeper into the subject matter.

Presented by: Pres. Kerry Pappas, Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, Justin Heard, Summer Kinard
Wed, July 3 1:30PM - 2:30PM

Workshop: A Proactive Lifespan Development Model for Clergy Health and Well-Being


The Clergy Family Initiative was established in 2016 through the generosity of the Lilly Endowment as a ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, spurred by research by the Danielsen Institute of Boston University. This enlightened us regarding the unique and significant personal and economic challenges that impact Clergy and their families. We know that a healthy Clergy family creates a vibrant worshipping community.

We have disbursed over $1,170,501.17 in Ministerial Excellence and COVID Grants to Clergy. We will discuss our research findings and new opportunities to assist our Clergy and their families. Please join us as Dr. George Stavros and Dr. George Koulianos shine a bright light on the path for our beloved Clergy!

Presented by: Dr. George Koulianos, Dr. George Stavros
Wed, July 3 1:30PM - 2:30PM

Workshop: Live Launch! MIND. BODY. SOUL. sessions


The Department of Religious Education (DRE) is launching its most unique initiative — MIND. BODY. SOUL. sessions of immersive Orthodoxy — live at Clergy-Laity Congress. Think of a cross between a masterclass and a spiritual retreat. Explore the interconnection between mind, body, and soul to cultivate God's presence within. Discover practical methods to connect with God amidst life's busyness through prayer, stillness, and contemplation, following in the footsteps of the Saints.

Open to delegates at all levels of the spiritual journey, from beginners to advanced. As part of the experience, you will receive gifts to use during the session. First 33 delegates to arrive will also receive a rare spiritual gift.

Presented by: His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos
Thu, July 4 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Health Care Screenings by Ygeia Nutrition

As a Registered Dietitian and Founder of Ygeia Nutrition, a Nutrition Counseling Private Practice and Wellness Concierge, based in New York City, Maria will work closely with you and guide you using evidence-based techniques that empower you to achieve sustainable weight loss and weight management, effectively manage clinical conditions, and embrace positivity throughout your health and wellness journey. Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN specializes in weight loss and weight management and provides medical nutrition therapy for conditions such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. Providing clients with individualized care and nutrition support, Maria emphasizes the importance of educating her clients on proper and balanced nutrition with a focus on sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes that enhance their quality of life while embracing the Mediterranean lifestyle. What You Can Expect From Your Initial Nutrition Consult Session with Maria: - Discussion of your medical history, diet and food history, lifestyle, personal health and wellness goals and blood work review (if provided) - Body Composition Analysis - Personalized Recommendations and Tips to help you achieve your health and wellness goals - One-on-One time with a Board Certified Registered Dietitian to get your nutrition and wellness questions answered


Presented by: Maria Stavropoulos, MS RD CDN
Thu, July 4 9:00AM - 10:30AM

Ministry Panel: Developing Effective and Christ-Centered Parish Leadership Across Ministry Leaders, Parish Council, and Clergy

This engaging ministry panel will offer thoughtful discussion, as well as practical tools and resources, on the formation and development of strong parish leaders to serve the Church and its mission. It will address how to equip all parish leaders for ministry-oriented leadership, as well as effective succession planning for lay leadership to ensure ongoing stability and growth.
Presented by: Steve Tibbs, Nicholas Chakos, Rev. Fr. Panagiotis Boznos, Steve Pappas
Thu, July 4 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Workshop: Connect, Learn, and Go Forth with Internet Ministries

Join the staff of the Archdiocese Internet Ministries Department for a dynamic, interactive workshop that will explore the latest technological trends and best practices. Discover how you can enrich your parish’s online presence, cater to your congregation’s needs, empower your evangelism efforts, and harness the power of digital tools to foster growth in your parish community.
Presented by: Jamil Samara, Niko Kyritsis, Andrew Constantinou
Thu, July 4 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Workshop: Creating Vibrant Family Ministries

This workshop will offer vision, strategy, and practical tools for those interested in establishing life-giving family ministries that are both needed and relevant in the local parish. As Christ’s followers, we are called to reach out to people where they are and be like the Good Samaritan - “Go there, See them, and Respond with Compassion.” The Family Wellness Ministry from the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco offers relevant resources in the areas of Marriage Enrichment, Parenting, Divorce Recovery, Men’s Ministry, Addiction, Mental Health Education and Grief Support. The strength of this ministry is how it utilizes the giftedness of lay people to help carry out this caring ministry. Resources from the Family Wellness Ministry are available on their official website:
Presented by: George Papageorge (M.A., LMFT.), Presvytera Pat Tsagalakis, Fr. Tom Tsagalakis (M.Div, MFT.), Fr. Vasili Hillhouse (M.Div., M.A.)
Thu, July 4 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Workshop: Establishing and Growing Marriage Ministry in Your Parish

Marriage is a sacrament in the Church, in which Christ joins the husband and wife and crowns them as king and queen of a new household reflecting His love and presence.  In this workshop, we will discuss how the Church can be more intentional in supporting the lived experience of marriage through preparing couples for marriage and supporting them throughout the stages of married life in the context of our culture, where natural supports for marriage have diminished as we live more isolated lives.
Presented by: Pres. Kerry Pappas
Thu, July 4 10:30AM - 12:30PM

Clergy Burnout: A Personal Journey - Clergy and Presvyteres Workshop

This session, open only to clergy and presvyteres, will be presented by Fr Richard Andrews as he shares his personal journey of burnout and recovery, and how it affected his family life. Questions and answers will follow the presentation.
Presented by: Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews
Thu, July 4 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Workshop: Preserving Greek Heritage: The Role of the Greek Education Department in Fostering Cultural Identity and Community Cohesion

Explore the profound influence of the Department of Greek Education within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, focusing on its strategic initiatives dedicated to the preservation and rejuvenation of the Greek language. Through a meticulous examination of our parish schools and language programs, we unveil the mechanisms driving linguistic revitalization efforts. Join us as we discuss strategies employed in safeguarding the Greek linguistic heritage and fostering linguistic continuity within our community.
Presented by: Dr. Anastasios Koularmanis, Rev. Fr. Gregory-Telemachos Stamkopoulos
Thu, July 4 11:00AM - 12:30PM

Ministry Panel: Empowered to Serve – Young Adults and the Parish

Youth & Young Adult
Centered around the theme of the Clergy Laity Congress, "In Christ, We Are One," this ministry panel aims to foster a compelling dialogue on enhancing the ministry to and involvement of young adults in the Church - transcending generational gaps to forge robust Orthodox Christian communities. Panelists will provide valuable insights into practical approaches for parishes to address the genuine needs of young adults, fostering a closer connection to Christ and empowering them to contribute their gifts and talents in service to their parish communities.
Presented by: Rev. Fr. Alexandros Petrides, George Anagnostopoulos, Anna Teodosiadis, Eva Konstantakos

Join us in San Diego!

Join us for the 47th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress this June 30-July 4, 2024 as "we gather to discuss how to strengthen and grow our parishes and ministries."
47th Biennial
Clergy-Laity Congress
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America